Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Nicole - Jan 5, 2011

Today was a long day spent at the University of Hawaii. It started bright and early when Megan and I woke up at 7am and headed down stairs to eat. Then the group was ready to go and head to the University for our Hawaiian dance class with Professor Takamine. I personally had such a great time. I found the whole background to the dancing so interesting. On top of dancing we even learned a couple of words in Hawaiian and chanted while we were dancing. I liked how we actually had to get up and dance rather then sitting in a lecture hall. This was a good experience for us to learn a different type of dance.
After we left the dance room the group headed off to lunch where everyone ate and prepared for our second lecture of the day. I got ready by thinking of a couple of questions I wanted to ask Mr. Roth about his book Broken Trust. It turned out that I was fascinated with Dr. Roth's lecture and thought he did an excellent job. I thought he was a very good and clear speaker. He had the answer to the questions I had before I could even ask them. I learned so many new things about the Bishop Estate Scandal and a lot of things about Hawaii in general. After a very long day it was time to head back to the hotel. I'm excited for Pearl Harbor tomorrow, it should be so interesting.

1 comment:

Patricia said...

I agree with Nicole that the Hula dancing was so much fun. I had a great time. Our instructor preferred that we call her by Auntie Vicky. I thought that was cute. She has a long history of dance experience behind her. She teaches at the University of Hawaii and also has her own dance studio. She said that at some point all of her students go on and do a performance at the theater. That would be something really exciting to watch. Auntie Vicky explained to us that different times of Hawaiian Dance. There is chanting which is Oli because it's not danced. And there is the Hula which is danced. You have the ancient style and the modern style. We also incorporated instruments at the end. I thought that was very difficult. To know how to move your hands and use the instruments and move your feet at the same time was a challenge. I just did the best I could. I also agree that Randall Roth, the author of Broken Trust, was a good and clear speaker. He was easy to understand and follow. I really enjoyed his lecture. I was really into it. The two and a half hours went by so fast and I really didn't want it to stop. His answers to the questions that were asked were very informative and well answered. I can't believe how involved he actually was with the Bishop Estate Scandal and how many people he knew. He has connections. Randall Roth must excited that his work started off as an essay in a newspaper, ended up being an award winning book, and now he was producers contacting him about making the book into a movie. I would see the movie!