Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Thoughts on Departure: Brendan O'Neil

Today is Tuesday December 15, 2009 and we are in the heat of finals with the end of the semester in sight. Pulling all nighters while brewing coffee through the night, thinking of what to pack for home, holiday shopping and trying to find time to enjoy the company of friends while we are still on campus have made for a hectic past few weeks. How will we survive this mad dash to winter break? I take a deep breath and imagine enjoying the 80 degree weather Hawaii is enjoying as I type and the stress starts to melt away. I am also prepared to not just lay on the beach but explore the Hawaiian culture and get plenty of hands on experience within the course as we dive into the Polynesian culture and recognize its impact on the island. As for departure, I personally will be flying from Boston, I will be looking forward to catching some shut eye on the plane as I attempt to adjust to the time change. Packing light will not be as big an issue although I will not be attempting Dean Goldenberg's carry-on strategy. The travel portion will be fine, save weather changes, and will be the last step between me and one of the biggest cultural experiences in my life. Although I am not looking forward to the hurdles of travel I anticipate it will be well worth it in the end and will continue to count down till we land.

1 comment:

Andrew Elish said...

It really is hard to believe that the term is ending. It's also been a crazy time for me, as I try to focus on finals while also trying to visit friends on campus who I want to see before the break while also trying to figure out what my family and my friends' schedules look like so that I can work on seeing them over the break, during the days when we aren't on the trip. Whenever I lose track, ro start to get overwhelmed with trying to coordinate everything, I just remind myself that in a few days, we will all be leaving, and I begin to slow back down and think everything through. I am actually looking forward to the travel leg, even though it's a long haul, I think that traveling in groups like we will be doing is the best way to do long trips. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone in Dallas, and good luck to everyone on finals.
