Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Pedro - Jan 1, 2011

Finally in Hawaii! The most interesting thing about the plane ride was when we were
landing and a luggage fell out. Even though the plane ride was long it was worth it
because I'm in Hawaii. The first night in Hawaii I saw a lot of homeless people
sleeping in the ground. Now my two weeks in Hawaii begin.

1 comment:

Isabel said...

I am so glad that we finally are in Hawaii after the longest plane ride I have ever been on! My first plan, the one from New York to Dallas was not bad at all. We had one of the smoothest rides I have ever had. I sat next to Nicole and we both watched movies and slept and before we knew it we were already there. This was defiantly not the case for the second flight, Dallas to Hawaii. This flight was so much longer, 8 hours long! I was so happy that we had like a two hour break from plan rides so that I can eat lunch at the airport. Once I got off all of us went to McDonalds. Then right before we got on the plane to Hawaii a bunch of us got food for the flight because they did not give good free food. On this flight I sat next to Melanie. All I did on this flight was sleep and watch movies and complain how long the flight was. But once we landed that did not matter anymore. Finally after a long bus ride from the airport to the hotel, we put all of our bags in our rooms and went to get food at Teddy's Burgers and went to sleep because of the five hour difference. All in all the day was very long but once we landed in Hawaii everything fine and the flights were not on our minds anymore.